Today we wanto to share som plans to do with kids from 0 to 5 years old. Majorca is a Mediterranean paradise historically dominated by Romans and Arabians, besides of being an excellent destiny to visit during holidays with small kids. From babies to teenagers can enjoy the beauty of the island.
Majorca counts with many castles and samples of defensive architecture, which are part of the archipelago history. Specifictly, the island has an historic heritage where there legends, towers, castles and fortresses stand out.
From Vacalia! we invite you to know four majorcan castles routes:
When you hear the word Autumn, what does come to your mind? Do you think of colorful leaves all over the fields, cool raining evenings or the first mug of hot chocolate? Probably, most of Europe looks like that, but that's not the case in Mallorca. Hurrah for St. Michael’s Summer! Furthermore, you find the perfect place to rest in one of our dreamy houses after enjoying a fantastic hiking route. Then, we’ll continue with the hiking routes in Majorca in this article. Come with us for this adventure!
If you’re traveling to Majorca soon , you’re probably organizing the whole planning step by step. If you got here is because, probably, you’ve already rented a Holiday Villa with us. Great! Next step is to decide how are you going to move around the different paradise scenarios and, to do so, we wanted to give you some good reasons on why renting a car in Majorca seems like the best choice.
Majorca island is visited each year by a huge amount of tourists. In it, people’s looking for spectacular sceneries to enjoy and where to have a charming experience to remember for years.