Claustre de Santo Domingo


Claustre de Santo Domingo

Information about Claustre de Santo Domingo

The Cloister of Santo Domingo de Inca is an architectural jewel located in the town of Inca, on the island of Mallorca. The cloister was built in the 18th century as part of the convent complex of the Dominicans of Inca.

The cloister is of baroque style and has an elegant and sophisticated design. It is built in marés stone, a calcareous rock typical of the region, and has two floors with arcades and columns decorated with reliefs and ornamental elements.

The cloister is famous for its beauty and harmony, which have remained virtually unchanged since its construction. In addition, the cloister houses a number of works of art and decorative elements, such as frescoes and oil paintings, dating from the 18th and 19th centuries.

The cloister of Santo Domingo de Inca is a very popular place among visitors to the island of Mallorca. It is a perfect place to admire the architecture and history of the region, and to enjoy a moment of tranquility and peace in a historical and cultural environment.

The cloister of Santo Domingo de Inca is also an important cultural and educational center of the region. The institution that manages the cloister organizes a series of cultural activities and events, such as exhibitions, conferences and workshops, with the aim of promoting the culture and history of Mallorca and the region of Inca.

All in all, the Cloister of Santo Domingo in Inca is an impressive place that combines architectural beauty with the history and culture of the region. With its elegant arcades and decorative elements, it is a must-see for anyone interested in the architecture and history of Mallorca. It is also an important cultural and educational center that organizes a series of events and activities to promote the culture and history of the Inca region.

Houses near Claustre de Santo Domingo

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